Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking and Child Labour Policy

At Process360, we are committed to promoting ethical practices and maintaining a responsible supply chain. We condemn all forms of modern slavery, human trafficking, and child labour and are dedicated to ensuring that our operations, as well as those of our suppliers and business partners, adhere to the highest standards of integrity and respect for human rights. This policy outlines our commitment to combatting these abuses and sets forth the expectations we have for all stakeholders within our organisation.

Policy Statement

Process360 strictly prohibits modern slavery, human trafficking, and child labour in all aspects of our operations. We uphold the principles of freedom, dignity, and human rights for all individuals, and we are committed to acting ethically, responsibly, and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations relating to modern slavery, human trafficking, and child labour.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

We will comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and international standards related to modern slavery, human trafficking, and child labour. This includes, but is not limited to, the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (in the case of the United Kingdom) and other similar legislation in the countries where we operate.

Supply Chain Due Diligence

We recognize the importance of ensuring that our suppliers and business partners share our commitment to combatting modern slavery, human trafficking, and child labour. We will implement robust due diligence procedures to assess the risks within our supply chain and take appropriate actions to mitigate those risks. This includes:

a. Conducting regular assessments of our suppliers and business partners to evaluate their compliance with our policy and applicable laws regarding modern slavery, human trafficking, and child labour.

b. Engaging in ongoing monitoring and evaluation of our supply chain to identify and address any potential risks or instances of non-compliance.

c. Collaborating with suppliers and business partners to promote awareness, education, and training on modern slavery, human trafficking, and child labour issues.

d. Implementing contractual obligations that require suppliers and business partners to comply with our policy and actively work toward eradicating modern slavery, human trafficking, and child labour from their operations.

Reporting and Whistleblowing

We encourage all employees, suppliers, business partners, and other stakeholders to report any concerns or suspicions related to modern slavery, human trafficking, or child labour. We have established confidential reporting mechanisms to ensure that these reports can be made safely and without fear of retaliation. Any reported instances of non-compliance will be promptly and thoroughly investigated, and appropriate action will be taken.

Remediation and Continuous Improvement

In the event that modern slavery, human trafficking, or child labour is identified within our supply chain, we will take immediate remedial action. This may include terminating relationships with non-compliant suppliers or business partners. Additionally, we are committed to continuously reviewing and improving our policies, procedures, and practices to ensure they remain effective in preventing and addressing these issues.

Training and Awareness

We will provide training and awareness programs to our employees, suppliers, and business partners to educate them about the risks of modern slavery, human trafficking, and child labour and to reinforce our zero-tolerance approach. By fostering a culture of awareness and responsibility, we aim to prevent and detect these abuses throughout our organisation and supply chain.

Transparency and Communication

We will regularly communicate our commitment to combating modern slavery, human trafficking, and child labour to our employees, suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders. We will make this policy publicly available and provide updates on our efforts to address these issues.

Process360 is fully committed to eradicating modern slavery, human trafficking, and child labour. We will work tirelessly to ensure that our operations align with our values and contribute to the promotion of human rights and social responsibility.